Proforma of entry for the award on long term literary contribution in prose or poetry
For the writers of non-Hindi speaking states
Language/ dialect---------
name of the state-------------------
1- Name of the writer,designition and name of the office and address:
2- Name of the non-hindi speaking state:
3- Date of birth and date of retirement:
4- Name of the post and period of working on the said post:
5- Post and date of regular appointment or confirmation:
6- Residential and postal address:
(Enclose photo copy of voter I.D. certified by gazetted officer)
7- Certificate of regular appointment or confirmation or continuous service of 3 years. Name and address of the office of certificate issuing authority (please enclose the original or certified photocopy of certificate having seal of the officer)
8- Literary achievements alongwith necessary particulars:
Name and signature of the official
Mob. No./Telephone No.
Important : Please enclose literary achievemants, published books and other works in six copies. Required certificates can be given in Hindi or English.
Proforma of entry for award on original literery/published book of poetry)
For the writers of non-Hindi speaking states
Name of the state---------------------------------
1- Name of the book :
2- Name of the non-Hindi speaking state :
3- Name of the writer, designation, name and address of the office :
4- Discipline of the book/topic and language/name of the dialect :
5- Year of the publication :
6- Name and address of the publisher :
7- In case of revised edition, is 60% or more of the matter unpublished ? :
8- Name of the post and period of continious serving on the said post :
9- Date of birth and date of retirement :
10- Post and date of regular appointment or confirmation :
11- Residential and postal address :
(Enclosed photocopy of voter I.D. certified by a gazetted officer.)
12- Certificate of regular appointment or confirmation or continious service of 3 years. Name and office address of the certificate issuing authority (please enclose the original or certified photocopy of certificate having seal of the officer)
Name and signature of the official
Mob. No./Telephone No.
Important : Please enclose your literary achivments, published book and other works in six copies. Required certificates can be given in Hindi or English.
Condition and criteria
Condition and criteria for sending entries for awards to be granted for long term literary contribution and published book on prose/poetry:-
(1) The entries should reach "Rajya Karmchari Sahitya Sansthan, U.P., Lucknow" latest by 30 November, 2018.
(2) The entries should be sent only by those officials of U.P. Govt. (State Government Officials including officers of all India Services of State Cadre) who are in regular service or who have completed at least three years of services. Services on the basis of contract, daily wages and work-charge officers/officials will not be entertained. Certificate issued by the employer or any other certified order (by the gazetted officer) should be attached regarding original appointment, regularisation, confirmation or countinuity of services of three years or above. These conditions will also apply to government officials of non Hindi States. The pensioners of U.P. Government should sent their entries in the prescribed form alongwith photocopies of identity card certified by a gazetted officer issued by treasury with copies of pension papers and voter I.D. card certified by gazetted officer. Non-Hindi states' government officials should also enclose photo state copy of voter I.D. card duly certified by gazatted officer alongwith certificate (Hindi/English) issued by the employer as a proof of government employee.
(3) The year of publication should be mentioned in the book and the first edition of the said original/published book should have been published within past six financial years. In case of second edition of the book, it has to be verified that there is matter in the said edition at least sixty percent new original.
(4) The entries in prescribed proforma should be sent in six copies alongwith six copies of the book. In case of scarcity of copies, at least two copies should be sent compulsorily.
(5) All the columns of the proforma should be filled completely. The person should have long term contribution or published book in languages/dialects of U.P. written in devanagari skript or Urdu Language (persian script).
For the long term literary contribution of the U.P. government employees in Hindi language/dialects being spoken in the state, four awards (two for prose and two for poetry); for the books in Hindi language/dialects (in Deonagari script) of U.P., three awards in prose and five awards in poetry. Apart from this, for the long term contribution in Hindi language/dialects of the state for the retired government officials one award each for prose and poetry and one award each for books of prose and poetry are to be given. Alongwith this, one award for the long term contribution in prose or poetry of non Hindi speaking states' employees and one award for the original poetry writer are to be given. Two awards are to be granted (prose or poetry) to the officials of U.P. Government for their long term literary contributions in Urdu language (Persian script). One award is to be granted for Urdu language (Persian script) or translated/transcripted prose or poetry book and one award for poetry book. One award is to be granted for poetry book and one award for long term contribution in prose or poetry in Urdu language in Persian script by retired officials of U.P. Government. All these awards will carry Rs. 1,00,000.00. In case of any query in this regard, "Sachiv, Puraskar Samiti, Rajya Karmachari Sahitya Sansthan, U.P., Lucknow may be contacted on mobile number : 09919281002.
(6) A notice to this effect has been published in all daily editions of "Rashtriya Sahara" dated 20 July, 2018. The aforesaid proforma and conditions have been circulated by post to all District Magistrates and District Information Officers of the U.P. state. The conditions and proforma in Hindi language alongwith english version have also been circulated to Chief Secretaries of Non Hindi Speaking States, Central Hindi Directorate New Delhi. Kendriya Hindi Sansthan, Agra. Secretary, Official Language, Government Of India, New Delhi. Scientific and Technical Linguistic Commission, Government of India, New Delhi requesting them for wide circulation thereof.
(7) Entries may be sent on the photostate copy of proforma which is being sent alongwith the letter or the proforma may be obtained by post from Sachiv Puraskar Samiti by sending duly stamped envelope by 31 October, 2018 but the entries must reach before 30 Novemer, 2018. The proforma and the conditions are also available in the Sansthan's blogspot (available on window XP).
(8) The final decision regarding the acceptance or the rejection of the entry and award shall be taken by the selection committee constituted for the same . The writers selected for the award will be informed by post.
(9) The responsibility of incomplete application or false informations produced shall be of the applicant
(10) The letters addressed to the office should be sent through Indian Post office and not through courier.
(Dr. Dinesh Chandra Awasthi)
Secretary, Award Committae
Mob.No.- 09919281002